Monday 5 November 2018

Explain why popular music radio programs struggle to gain recognition as public service broadcasting. Refer to the BBC 1 breakfast show to support your answer.

Explain why popular music radio programs struggle to gain recognition as public service broadcasting. Refer to the BBC 1 breakfast show to support your answer.

The term public service broadcasting is broadcasting purely for the benefit of the public, this doesn’t not include commercial advertising, but information to educate and inform the public on current matters around the world, and also to entertain them with current / older songs and with chat shows including there favorite celebrities.

With over 250 radio stations just within the UK under public service broadcasting (PSB), this means that each station has a competitive market, in which they need to fight of there listeners who will loyally tune in every day, for example, The BBC radio 1 breakfast show racks in about 80,000 listeners every morning, resulting in about 9.43 million listeners every week. With radio shows playing similar/ the same songs, this means that if a listener decides to switch radio stations to listen to better songs or prefers the host more on another station, they can do so without an issue.

Radio stations do not earn any profit for there day-to-day show, meaning the way they earn this income is from the advertisements where they promote businesses, for example go compare or compare the market. Com. this means that the business will pay the station a certain amount to play there ad a certain amount of times. The issue with this is that if the ads take up to much time, the listener will get bored and therefore move onto another station, even if they enjoyed the music and the host (content) they were listening to

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